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Why is planet earth at the present time being racked with such scenes of strife, calamities, tyranny and
hopelessness such as we have not witnessed in the history of this world? What is the cause for all the troubles
that are hitting us with blinding force and rapidity? Many people are pointing to corrupt politicians in
government, to the evil designs of globalists, to the crime syndicates that are preying on the innocent people in
our society and to global warming resulting from burning of fossil fuels. Many believe that these are directly
contributing to the troubles that we are experiencing in our world today. That may be true, yet they are not
the prime movers in all that is happening. Sometimes we can’t see the forest for the trees.
So the big question that concerns us today is regarding who or what is the prime mover in all this and
what is the intended outcome? Is there a mastermind that is causing all the evils in our world and that is
inspiring tyrannical governments and wicked cabals and criminal organizations to bring in such a state of
anarchy and oppression that we see in the world today? And the answer is ‘Yes’. There is a mastermind, a prime
mover, that is behind all the strife and disasters and oppression that are plaguing our society. There is a mys-
tery of iniquity that is operating invisibly in our world unbeknownst to the vast majority of people. This mys-
tery of iniquity is deceiving and inspiring men in government as well as people in the media and in all ranks
of society, leading them to create a state of anarchy in our world similar to what convulsed France during the
French Revolution.
Ironically, the problem did not begin on planet earth; it began on another planet which had always been
a place of tranquillity and harmony among all its inhabitants. The society of heaven was made up of myriads
of angels presided over by a benevolent, triune government consisting of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Heaven was a beautiful society where there was peace and harmony and love toward God and fellow angels.
All the intelligent beings that God created were created with the freedom of choice. As long as they chose to
live in harmony with the law of supreme love to God and unselfish love to their fellow beings, there was joy
and harmony in the universe. However, we do not know how long or even how many ages passed before a
note of disharmony manifested itself. It began with some negative thoughts that came into the mind of Luci-
fer, the highest and most intelligent of the heavenly host. Had he dismissed those thoughts, the universe
would still be enjoying the peace and joy and harmony with which God had created it.
Lucifer was a glorious, majestic angel who occupied a throne next to God and acted as God’s messenger
(angel means a messenger) to communicate messages from the government of heaven to all the intelligences
of the universe. This included the other worlds that God had created. Although Lucifer was the highest of all
the angels and director of the heavenly choir, he was not given a position in the government of heaven as a
member in the inner council of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It would not be wise for God to give to
a fallible, created being such supreme authority. But for some unexplainable reason, Lucifer aspired to occupy
the highest position and to exalt his throne above the stars of God. He was not content with the high honors
which had been conferred on him. He wanted to be like God.
Inspiration describes the thoughts that went through his mind. “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Luci-
fer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in
thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High“
Isaiah 14:12-14.
Had God never created intelligent beings with freedom of choice, the peace and harmony that existed in
the whole universe would never have been broken. The hallowed presence of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit would always have pervaded throughout illimitable space and preserved its tranquillity. Why then
did God takes such a great risk in giving to intelligent beings the freedom of choice? The alternative was to
make intelligent beings as programed automatons. They would be glorified robots who always rendered per-
fect compliance to the laws of heaven because they could not do otherwise. No earthly parent would desire
children like that. Neither did the Creator desire children like that.
When the Godhead created the angels and inhabitants of the other worlds, they knew from the begin-
ning the crisis that would be created in the universe when the most intelligent, the most admirable of all cre-
ated beings, would choose to rebel against God and the laws of His government. They knew how rebellion
would be introduced into the human race and that it would be at a cost of terrible pain and suffering, not on-
ly at Calvary, but for thousands of years before and after Calvary, to save and rehabilitate mankind and re-
store the universe once again to its original peace and tranquility. But love needs someone upon whom to lav-
ish its kindness and goodness.
What transpired in heaven with the defection of Lucifer has reverberated throughout the universe.
And it all started when he began to entertain thoughts which he should have expelled. When he turned his
attention to himself and his glory and wisdom, self admiration developed into a desire to glorify himself.
Though all his glory was from God, this mighty angel came to regard it as pertaining to himself. Not content
with his position, though honored above the heavenly host, he ventured to covet homage due alone to the
Creator. He became envious of Christ, the second person of the Godhead, and began to question why Christ
was honored above Lucifer. Because Christ is also called the archangel, it probably seemed to Lucifer that He
was just another angel who was a step above Lucifer.
It is important to understand how Lucifer went about to achieve his goal of becoming like the most
High. As a clever politician, it seems that he began his defection by raising some questions regarding the gov-
ernment of heaven. It must have been obvious to him that the only way for him to elevate his throne to the
highest position was to stigmatize the order and laws of heaven with its existing arrangement which placed
Christ above him in power and authority. In this political change in the order and laws of heaven, Lucifer
must have thought that he could take over the position held by Christ in the inner circle of the council of
heaven. In that way he would be able to elevate his throne to be equal with God. Working with mysterious
secrecy, and for a time concealing his real purpose under an appearance of reverence for God, he endeavored
to excite dissatisfaction concerning the laws that governed heavenly beings, intimating that they imposed an
unnecessary restraint.
God’s law is a transcript of His character and the foundation of His throne. Any contempt directed
against that law was contempt against God. Lucifer was the first being in the universe who showed contempt
for that law by violating its precepts. Love to God and love to his fellow beings was substituted in Lucifer’s
heart with selfishness, pride and even murder. Christ showed what was in Lucifer’s mind right from the be-
ginning of his defection. Addressing His enemies in John 8:44 He said, “Ye are of your father the devil, and
the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, be-
cause there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the fa-
ther of it.“ Lucifer not only violated the ninth and tenth commandment, which are against lying and covet-
ing, but he also violated the sixth commandment in his heart, which forbids murder.
The rebellion of Lucifer and his sympathizers grew so bold that God had to deal with it. He could have
destroyed the rebels and stopped the rebellion from spreading any further. But the onlooking universe
would not have seen the real nature of the rebellion and the depths of wickedness that motivated the rebel