Who we are: A group of like minded individuals, unaffiliated with any particular religious organisation, but who share a common concern over the impending completion of many prophecies inspired by the Most High.

What we do: We choose to warn the people of Earth of the dire consequences that ignorance of these prophecies and their origins have on our future. We communicate these warnings using a series of Videos which can be found on YouTube, as well as producing an array of brochures and booklets which can be viewed on this site, or they may be download in "pdf" for printing, in various formats.

What is our Message: This website deals with the fallout from a crisis in the universe which developed when Lucifer, the highest and most intelligent of created beings, rebelled against the government of heaven. His allegations against the Sovereign of the universe have reverberated throughout the cosmos. One third of the angels and all of humanity have been affected by the virulent immoral virus which Lucifer originated in the laboratory of his giant intellect.

When Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven, they descended to planet earth where Lucifer laid his plans to establish his headquarters for an alternate government to that of heaven. When Adam and Eve succumbed to his sophistry, they became his captives and their dominion of planet earth was lost to the great deceiver. Consequently, this world has become the theater of the universe which is constantly watching the great conflict between the two sides in this cosmic battle.

The unprecedented disasters and social upheavals happening in our world at the present time are omens that the cosmic conflict is coming to a climax. This will be the time when Lucifer will appear on planet Earth claiming to be Christ and performing many miracles to convince the world that his is who he claims to be. This will be the almost overmastering delusion which will captivate almost the whole world. But there will be a remnant of people who will remain loyal to the Sovereign of the universe and who will be empowered to resist his authority and expose his true identity. And when Lucifer makes a mighty attempt to destroy those who are true to the government of heaven, Christ will descend to earth and end his tenure in this world. He will ultimately be destroyed and all who have joined him in his rebellion against the government of heaven. After this, affliction will not rise up the second time. A tested and proven creation will never again be turned from allegiance to Him whose character has been fully manifested before them as fathomless love and infinite wisdom.

There is a contact form on our main page where we welcome your feedback and suggestions.

I’m a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I’ve worked with brands like Nordo, Facely, Fazo.

My story

My approach to design draws on influences ranging from contemporary streetwear to classical fine art. When working with a new client, my first goal is to understand the stories they’re trying to tell with their visual elements and start building my graphic design around them. Whether it’s branding or editorial, my work always has something to say.


Graphic Designer @ Doro
Jan 2019 - Feb 2020

Graphic Designer @ Monospace
May 2018 - Jan 2019

Design magazine October 2019
Do More Annual 2019
AWSO design November 2018
No code Annual 2018

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